We Go Where No One Else Takes Connectivity in An Easy & Fast Way, Facilitating Your Operation In Remote Environments In Sub-Saharan Africa.
Integrate all your critical operations through the internet with Enetsky satellite channels, regardless of location in Sub-Saharan Africa, geographic challenges or installation time, with high levels of quality and availability and maximizing your day-to-day operations by supporting high volumes of data traffic, voice and video in real time.At Enetsky we design tailor-made satellite solutions responding to the particular use and connectivity requirements of your company.
MAIN CHANNEL: Carry your critical traffic reliably and with high availability.
BACK UP: Guarantee the continuity of your operation cost-efficiently and effectively.
TRANSACTIONAL: Transmit small packets of information securely and efficiently.
Solutions that bring your traffic from remote locations to your main offices in a secure way and allow you to navigate freely on the internet.
Solutions that encrypt small data packets and deliver them efficiently over VPN’s.